🌈 1296 – Tuesday, 15 October 2024 23:09

Win in your mind and you will win in your reality!

🌈 1296 – Tuesday, 15 October 2024 23:09


I wasn’t planning to write today and thought I’d take a break, but after reading the news, there’s just so much happening around the world.

How can we ever stop these countries from fighting each other?

“China held major military exercises major military exercises yesterday around the democratic archipelago of 23 million people for the second time since May. It only did so twice during the entire eight years before.

Beijing sent a record number of warplanes across a dividing line in the strait separating Taiwan from the mainland that the US drew in the 1950s to keep the peace. It sailed an aircraft carrier off the main island’s coast and, for the first time, sent ships from its Coast Guard on patrol there. Taiwan also reported a surge in cyberattacks.” Bloomberg

China, your people are some of the kindest I’ve met—so warm, loving, humble, honest, compassionate, and deeply rooted in tradition. Why not focus on your own affairs and let Taiwan be?

“North Korea detonated bombs on its territory and blew up sections of a road network once used to connect the southern part of the peninsula with the north, underscoring its rising belligerence after it accused Seoul of flying drones over Pyongyang. South Korea’s military later fired off warning shots in the area south of the Military Demarcation Line.”

North Korea, set aside the feud and make peace with South Korea—they are your family, and deep down, they care for you. Open the gates, tear down the borders, and allow people to reunite with their loved ones. South Korea is a developed nation; there’s so much to learn from them. Be friends, spread love, and let the people of both countries move freely. People of North Korea, don’t you wonder what’s beyond your borders? Don’t you want to see change in your lifetime? The time is now, or never!

“Israel is considering U.S. concerns over its planned military response to Iran, following reports that the country may avoid targeting Iran’s nuclear and energy sites to prevent further escalation. This development adds to existing tensions with the U.S. administration, which has been unable to mediate a truce in Israel’s ongoing conflicts with militant groups in Gaza and Lebanon.”

Hamas, release the prisoners immediately! Israel, you must stop your actions now. There’s no need to escalate further by attacking Lebanon or Iran—just stop! Continuing down this path risks triggering a third world war, which the world simply cannot afford. So many lives have already been lost on both sides, Israeli and Palestinian. For the sake of humanity, both of you are located in some of the most sacred, historically significant places on Earth. What has gone wrong with your sense of responsibility?

“Tensions between Canada and India have intensified after Canada accused diplomats from New Delhi of supporting a pattern of criminal harassment and violence against Canadian citizens. In response, Ottawa expelled six officials, citing India’s refusal to lift their diplomatic immunity for questioning in connection with incidents affecting Canada’s South Asian community, particularly Sikhs. India, in turn, condemned Canada’s actions and expelled six of its senior diplomats.”

India, I’m coming to you with Gandhi’s stick, like a strict schoolteacher ready to give you a lesson!

I woke up early to find a long text from Dad, asking both my brother and me to come home and help with Mom’s upcoming surgery, which might happen in a couple of weeks. For some reason, he had only sent the message to me, so I read it in bed and forwarded my brother’s part to him. I had to head into the office, so I got up to get ready for work. Dad seemed down and stressed, being home alone, which is understandable.

It was grey, cloudy, wet, and cold outside with no sign of the sun. I ironed my blue trousers and white shirt, took a shower, and prayed two rak’ahs of Fajr. I got my bike out and left home at 8:50, listening to Bloomberg radio. Despite the weather, the ride to work was pleasant.

Work went smoothly today. I had a lot to get through, mostly focusing on reviewing costs, finances, work orders, and invoices for most of the day. It was a productive experience, and I just kept my head down and pushed through, which was exactly what I needed. For lunch, I had a big fish and salad from the canteen next door.

I left for home around 17:20 PM, still feeling energetic and in a good mood. I was tempted to stay and get more work done, but with the day getting darker and most people already gone, I decided it was time to head out. The bike ride home was pleasant, as the weather had turned milder. The streets were busy with people out and about, enjoying the evening.

For once should I not feel bad about not doing anything in the evening, like a second workout, or as If I need to do it defiantly, I go out looking at the shops, things, streets window shopping.. what is wrong in just staying at home and not doing anything, I think everyone who feels like they always have to be out, go out doing things each and every day otherwise you don’t feel like you live.. People slow down, sit still and close their eyes, it feels good to meditate.

At 18:25, I took a 30-minute nap and woke up feeling refreshed, without the need for more sleep, which was nice. Got a text from my dear mother checking in, and we had a quick catch-up.. then made dinner and now sitting down to write..

3 things I feel grateful for today –

  • Grateful where I am, is not a war zone.. people please keep the peace!

  • Grateful tomorrow is wfh day.

  • Grateful that I got some writing done and can head to bed with a peaceful mind.

What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times bigger, thicker, more energetic, confident, happy, grateful, wake up early, make it work out in the morning, have a good workout, start work on time, then have a relaxing, relaxing, relaxing yet a productive day tomorrow?

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Goodnight, good luck!

Ash Khaleem

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Ash Khaleem