🌈 1243 – Monday, 12 August 2024 23:33

Fortune favors the bold

🌈 1243 – Monday, 12 August 2024 23:33


It’s so hot! so warm.. I love hot weather..

I woke up early, around 5:30 AM, with the sun already shining brightly outside. I read a few verses of the Quran on my phone, then did some affirmations while still in bed. After that, I sat at the edge of the bed and meditated for about six minutes. I read Dad’s morning prayer message on WhatsApp and responded with a heart emoji. Mom also texted, asking if I was awake and getting ready for work. I replied that it was 6:47 AM and that I’d start getting ready soon. We exchanged well wishes, asked if each other was all right, and then said goodbye.

I got ready, put on my sports shorts and t-shirt, and headed to the gym. I’m not sure where the time went, but by the time I arrived, it was already 7:40 AM. I thought to myself, β€œAt least I have 20 minutes for a workout,” and felt grateful for even that short window. I managed to squeeze in a really intense session in just 15 minutes. I did 4 sets of 10 reps of pull-ups on the bar, followed by shoulder presses with 22 kg dumbbells. It felt like a great dayβ€”usually, 20 kg is a good day, but 22 kg dumbbells make it a soooo great day!

I was glad I had already ironed my shirt and trousers for the day. I chose a white shirt and cream trousers but considered wearing the brown ones instead. With the bright weather, though, the lighter colours felt better, and I was grateful I went with themβ€”they kept me much cooler throughout the day.

I left for work at 09:45, got to the desk on time, and was glad I wore the new trousers and lighter colours. The boss brought a new manager to introduce to us all. I broke for lunch at 13:00, walked up to Victoria Street to ITSU, and got a salmon salad. The rest of the afternoon went well. I prepped for tomorrow’s meeting, logged off at 16:39, rode back home on my bike, and noticed so many people on the road. I got home, went straight to bed, and set an alarm for a 30-minute nap.

I woke up to a telemarketing call, got pissed off, and decided it wasn’t worth going back to bed, so I got up and went for a jog. I ran from Piccadilly by Horse Guards Parade and St. James’s Park, then over Church Street towards Lambeth Bridge, crossed the bridge, and ran by the COVID Memorial Wall with hearts on the right.

Three things I felt grateful for today:

  1. Grateful I had a long call this evening with a best mate for 35 minutes, and then with my brother for about the same time. So glad to have them.

  2. Grateful the sleep is coming now like crazy.

  3. Grateful for the filling meal I ate for dinner.

Around the world today

What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 c times, thicker younger, confident happy grateful, make it to workout in the morning, then get to work early, and sharp, the meeting to go smoothly, everything to be fine with family, friends and everyone around, then have a relaxing, relaxing, relaxing yet a productive day tomorrow..?

Goodnight, good luck!

Ash Khaleem

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Ash Khaleem