🌈 1233 – Wednesday, 23 October 2024 23:08

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about!

🌈 1232 – Tuesday, 22 October 2024 23:45

🌈 1233 – Wednesday, 23 October 2024 23:08


Writing two days together.. Too Sweet Hozier is playing on the radio.. and wonder how it is so timely and nice thing that I hear the whole day or rather second best thing in my day. I was just mentioning to a mate what the first best thing was in my day and this song is the second best.

Some of the lyrics go like this.. “I take my whiskey neat. My coffee black and my bed at three.. You’re too sweet for me .. You’re too sweet for me… “

Yesterday, when I sat down to write, all I did was stare at the screen. I’m still amazed at how the time slipped by without a single word. I must have been lost in thought, unable to focus enough to get anything down. But today, I’m telling myself to just type—if nothing else, I’ll write about what I’ve learned throughout the day.

Yesterday, I woke up thinking I’d hit the gym, but then realized there wasn’t enough time. So, I skipped it and got ready for work instead. Funny enough, by the time I left home, it was the same time as if I’d gone to the gym or not. At least I still made it to work on time, sharp, and dressed in my usual white.

The workday went well—busy but productive. For lunch, I joined two Italian friends, but everything felt a bit rushed. By the time I got my food from the restaurant, one of them had already finished his entire homemade lunch. It was kind of funny!

On my way home, I called mother for a catch-up, she was already talking to my brother at the same time. She could’ve just kept chatting with him, but instead, she quickly said she’d call me back later and continued their conversation. By writing this what I learn now is – she didn’t ignore my call—she made the effort to pause, acknowledge me, and promise to talk later. Such a sweet, motherly thing to do. Thank you mamma.

In the evening, I went for a swim at Marshall Street Leisure Centre. I swam for about 30 minutes, not even keeping track of how many laps of front crawl I did—probably at least 30. It was easily the best part of the day, getting in a solid workout.

If you want to succeed, focus on what is in your control.

Today feels much like any other. I woke up early at 4:30 after going to bed around 1:30, mind racing and unable to sleep. I kept telling myself to relax, and I think I eventually drifted off. Logged in for work at 9 AM, working from home, and felt a bit more relaxed.

I’m still reflecting on what I’ve learned today before I head to bed. During a long conversation with a mate, I realized that this year, I could’ve been more friendly, approachable, and generous with my time. I’ve been too doubtful and should have held myself more accountable in my relationships. It’s something I’ll aim to improve moving forward.

Almost at the end of the conversation with my mate, I said, It doesn’t matter what! all I had was a good workout at the gym earlier after work so nothing can top that, and went to Tesco and found this Duck on sale…

3 things I felt grateful for today

  • Grateful for the gym being so busy, I went to the other corner of the gym where I usually go and found exactly the machine that I was looking for.

  • Grateful for these comfy jeans and jumper I wore right now.

  • Grateful the electricity in London never goes off…

Around the world today –

  • Bloomberg reports North Korea is sending troops to Russia, creating the “very serious” possibility they will be sent into combat in Ukraine.

  • Germany’s brief experiment with a four-day workweek is over, but for many of the businesses that participated, there’s no going back.

  • Israel and Hamas war – Still no luck on effort to engineer a ceasefire in a year-long war in Gaza that’s claimed close to 50,000 lives while expanding into a regional conflict.

What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times bigger, thicker more energetic, muscular, stronger, leaner, wake up early, make to workout in the morning, have a good workout, work to go productive, everything to be okay with family, friends and everyone around and then have a relaxing, relaxing, relaxing, yet a productive day tomorrow?

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Goodnight, Goodluck!

Ash Khaleem


Ash Khaleem