🌈 1206 – Tuesday, 18 June 2024 23:54

A positive mind will take you to great places

🌈 1206 – Tuesday, 18 June 2024 23:54


What you planned for tomorrow, do today,

What you aimed for today, do now, don’t delay.

In a heartbeat, the moment will pass,

Leaving you to wonder why you let it slip away.

Woke up early, it was just a usual tuesday today. Glad the Sun is out most days now, it’s bright and warm, I totally forget days if not I had to go into the office, went to bed late last night for no apparent reason but slept well and woke up to the first alarm at 05:20, read Dad’s goodmorning greetings message in bed, sat on the sofa, and mediated about 6 minutesr for 30 affiramtions, answered the natures call looking at this pic I have there, as I still wanted to stay dissociated from the world.

Dissociation in psycoloy is defined as a mental process where a person becomes detached from their thoughts, feelings, memories, or sense of identity. The dissociation can be used to focus on 1 specific goal, instead of letting your mind run through it’s course of unwanted thoughts and emotional patterns, as it keeps repeating itself. Control your mind and you control your everything.

Around 06:30 left home for the gym, only wore a shorts, t-shirt, jumper, bag packed for the gym, got there sharp, had a quick but a decent workout.. Alright, let me say it.. yes, I did have a really, really, really, really, really, x 5 really’s good workout!

I did legs – 4 sets of 8 reps of Pull-ups, Barbell Deadlifts, Barebell squats, prone leg curls, leg press, Seated calf raises, few sets of Abs on my way out.. had a shower, walked back home, offerd 2 x rakaths of Salah to Fajr, 2 x rakath of Salah tu Hajath, ate a quick breakfast, beef jerky, 2 banana’s protein shake, wore white shirt, and light green formal trousers, brown shoes, got the bike out and went to work Westminster via St James park.. beautiful, beautiful, beautiful everything around me on my way to work, the greenery of St James park, the water, in the ponds, the ducks, the horse guards parade on my left, the flags of all commonwealth countries flying high all infront they were put up for Kings parade last week, and I’m sure they will be on until the state opening in a few weeks time.

Got to work sharp, the day was busy, I had a back to back meetings, 10 to 11 one meeting but it ended earlier, I was far away from the desk, and there was a 20 min in between 2 meetings, brother started chatting on whatsapp so I sat down at the cafe at the terrace to eat the 2nd breakfast (full english breakfast) attended the call from there for the next 40 min, headed back to my desk, to another building far away lol on my bike.. sat did 15 min work, a best friend, came to desk, asked me to join for lunch, I said, I only have 25 min from now for another meeting, she was like lets get a sandwich and go to the park, and we quickly walked upto the Fresco cafe near St James station, and I got Tuna salad, she’s got a chicken sandwich, we sat feeding the pigeons in the park and catching up and she told me she’s pregnant. I was so happy for her, but we both were a bit quiet for a while, then walked back.

13:30 to 14:30 I got on a meeting call, they voted for me to get a new role as a committee member, It felt good.. rest of the afternoon I worked on Audits and creating some assessment forms.

Found myself still at the desk 17:02, wondered where the time passed, headed back home, 17:30 spin class booked at the pure gym Picadilly, got home, quickly changed ate a couple of dired apricots and headed to the bike class.. got there, 30 min of high intensity 2nd workout of the day went well.. Had a shower after, then headed back home, went to Tesco on my way and bought yogurt, chicken, and apples, back home and made Harees, and ate watching Netflix and some reason feeling a little down this evening wonder why!

Around the world today –

South Korean soldiers fired warning shots at what appeared to be dozens of North Korean troops who briefly crossed the border dividing the peninsula, in the second such incident in less than two weeks.

Portraits show the hardships that soldiers have endured for two years in Russian captivity. ( Telegraph) – Russia you are so fucked up! shame on you!

3 things I felt grateful for today

  • Was so grateful the white shirt the morning was good and did not need ironing.

  • Was so grateful the sun was out and we sat at the park in the afternoon and was like, ah .. so nice the weather is and my friend and I took a selfie..

  • was so greateful for having 2 great workouts today

What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times bigger, thicker, more energitic, confident, happy, wealthy, rich, grateful make it to the workout in the morning, start work on time, everything to be fine with family, friends, and everyone around, and then have a relaxing, relaxing, relaxing, yet a productive day tomorrow?

Goodnight and Good luck!

Ash Khaleem!

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Ash Khaleem