🌈 1202 – Friday 14 June 2024, 23:58

You become the average of the 5 people you associate with the most!

🌈 1202 – Friday, 14 June 2024 23:58


Just in bed, raining outside, been a cold, cloudy day. The last day of the week went well. Spoke to my brother last night and today was his first day off for a long week of Eid ul Adha for Dhul Hijjah he’ll probably get a week off. Happy for him.

I woke up early today, on and off still in bed, twisting and turning all night but I slept very well in the arms of an Angel, I heard the song in bed when I fell asleep last night.

“Spend all your time waiting For that second chance For a break that would make it okay There’s always some reason To feel not good enough And it’s hard at the end of the day I need some distraction Oh a beautiful release Memories seep from my veins Let me be empty Oh and weightless and maybe I’ll find some peace tonight

In the arms of the angel Fly away from here From this dark cold hotel room And the endlessness that you fear You are pulled from the wreckage Of your silent reverie You’re in the arms of the angel

May you find some comfort here

So tired of the straight line And everywhere you turn There’s vultures and thieves at your back And the storm keeps on twisting You keep on building the lies That you make up for all that you lack It don’t make no difference Escaping one last time

It’s easier to believe In this sweet madness

Oh this glorious sadness That brings me to my knees In the arms of the angel Fly away from here From this dark cold hotel room And the endlessness that you fear You are pulled from the wreckage Of your silent reverie You’re in the arms of the angel May you find some comfort here You’re in the arms of the angel May you find some comfort here..” by Sarah McLachlan

Woke up feeling good, but rest of the day there was a feeling of uneasiness and needed to get some work done, as the work built up by the end of the week. The minutes that I worked on for the past couple of days got approved which was a sign of relief but I still had lot of finish on the other tasks, I worked on building risk assessment forms and reports on the inspections that I had done earlier this week.

08:10 I got to the gym, The Sun was out then, and right now it’s raining outside like crazy but it stayed mild most of the day, wore a red Coca-Cola t-shirt, and blue strip Nike shorts, got to the gym feel energetic since I slept well, and had a really, really, really, really, really good workout yes it has to be 5 x really’s lol.. that is how much I’m grateful of for having a good workout.

Did mostly the backup routine, the workout I do when I have less time or when I haven’t planned any decent workout plan. Did 4 sets of 10 reps of Pull-ups hanging on the bar, then the same 4 sets of 10 reps of 20 Kgs shoulder Dumbbell presses, Dumbbell lateral raises, front raises a few abs and had a decent time spent showering and on my way home..

Got home straight, logged in to work, 09:09 to be sharp, and clarified some of the points a coll asked about the work done yesterday, It kind of gave me a head in but in the end, I was okay.

11:09 still at the desk working, brother texted, checking on me from Riyadh, how my day was going? they had just returned from Jumma Salah, Friday prayers and he went on and onnn sending me well wishes today for some reason, showering a lot of affection.. “May Almighty Allah accept all your wishes and desires and prayers come true”.. “Tawheed Health with aafiya..”, “May Allah bless you with everything that makes you happy”, “Gulli gulli”, “May Almighty Allah shower his blessings upon you like rain”, “Badi Puppy”, .. I said thank you, Alhumma Aameen wish you all the same. Rain – please I want some Sunshine, It’s cold here and I’m wearing 3 layers right now.. (I went pretty cloudy by then and I was actually wearing 3 layers at my desk).. he said visit Saudi and you will wish for rain again, the weather is fuming here.. he sent the pix of parents’ tickets for visiting home and sisters and reminded me that tomorrow is Arafa day and to get ready and send pix of little Neph Hamdu playing.. then we bid farewell

Still at my desk working at 13:10 text from mother asking If I had been to offer Frida Salah, I said not yet, about to get up for lunch.. I had just finished creating some tasks for others at work, and got ready to go for Salah, walked up to Soho for lunch.. walked back home at 14:10, and sat at the desk the rest of the afternoon working.

16:11 my mates texted checking on me, I hope your day went well. I wish you a nice weekend soon. I’m still behind with my work, I had a super busy day.. I won’t be able to check with my old bike for you today. but if you like it you can have a check it yourself maybe. If not maybe I can try to do it for you next week.

I said, I hope your day went well too. I was just thinking of you, just making some lunch, if you wanted to eat together? Not the soup but something else. I understand if you don’t feel like biking now and sent a pic of the chicken liver being cooked.. then we went on chatting for a bit..

I needed to get a key cut, and the store was about to shut by 18:00 so quickly had a bite, the liver was well done with rice, the only meal I ate today but good, would have been nice if my mates had joined then eating alone but hopefully, another time maybe as I love watching him eat so happily like a kid.

Got the bike out and went up to Greenpark station to Tomson’s key cut shop but he couldn’t do it what I wanted, instead, I got some insoles for the shoes for my mate who needed them when we spoke last time.. returned home and rested the rest of the evening.. G-7 meeting today and I had been following on the updates happening as the world leaders met. how much I wish to be a part of the decision-makers for the world one day… to wave a magic wand and make everything good.

Around the world today –

3 things I felt grateful for today

  • Grateful for all the relations I have on the planet.

  • Grateful for having an unanticipated but good workout this morning.

  • Grateful for this extra leopard throw i have on my bed that keeps me warm.

What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times bigger, thicker, stronger, muscular, more energetic, confident, happy, wealthier, richer, make it a workout in the morning, and for everything to be okay with family, friends, and everyone around and then have a relaxing, relaxing, relaxing, yet a productive day tomorrow and all negative patterns, please get removed..

Bro, you do Tantrums, Tantrums.. Tantrums…..!! 

Goodnight, good luck!

Ash Khaleem

Ash Khaleem