🌈 1075 – Tue 24 Oct 23:51 2023

Like attracts like. The world is as you are!

🌈 1075 – Tue 24 Oct 23:51 2023


For some reason slept funny last night, had been up a few times and found myself browsing through the notifications on the phone at 05:50 AM and then decided to get off the bed at 06:10.. Read Durud e Sharif, then 15 times affirmations.

The cold, grey, dark, and wet outside still.. Siri said the weather is 16 degrees but I did not look like that, got ready, and wore shorts, on the top of it blue tracksuits with white stripes on the side, a white t-shirt, and a jumper on the top, looked outside and it was raining..

Did not want to go back to bed, too early to start work, so decided to leave home not matter so looked for a longer rain jacket from under my clothes, got the bike out, and off to the gym, I found myself already finished doing warmup session at 06:40 AM.

Had a really, really, really, really, really good workout session for the funny sleep.. Did a leg session, 5 x sets of 8 reps of Sumo Deadlifts, Reverse Lunches, then walking Dumbbell Lunges, Leg Calf Raises, and then Shoulder Dumbbell press, more Shoulder presses on the machine and Abs on my way out.. left 07:40 and was feeling very, very, very good on my way home, rain, cold, probably going to be late to work nothing else mattered after a good workout.

It was still raining, biked back home, went to the kitchen 2nd floor, had a meal prep from last night, ate mashed potatoes and lamb stew, back up to the bedroom and ate while ironing the shirt, and had a quick shower, offered 2 x rakaths of Fajr Salah and 2 x rakath of Salah tu hajath and left home at 08:45.. biked back from Stockwell, to Vauxhall bridge, via Tate Britain, past Lambeth bridge, over Westminster bridge towards St James Park got to work at 09:10 or so.. boss’s already there but we had a laugh as I got in..

Happy Tuesday! you have to admit, at least it sounds better than Monday! A presentation prep to do for the training at lunchtime with the boss, and most of the morning gone preparing for it, checking the slides, updating the contacts, links and making sure everything would be tip top.. and decided to go for lunch before the training so broke at noon sharp, with a mate walked up to the next door for early bunch, ate Fish with salad and a large Cappuccino, mates got Spaghetti with mince ..

13:00 training went well with the external contractors, and was glad it was a good job all done and dusted. The rest of the afternoon went catching up with the emails and creating a new feedback form to send out.. and logged off sharp at 17:15 or so.. the rain had just subsided by now and the clouds cleared off, for me to get home smoothly, the bike ride was pleasant listening to Tim’s podcast.

Home by 18:10, sat on the phone for a while, chatting to brother.. ate some Chicken nuggets and a cuppa coffee did this and that, and left home at 19:20 to get to the swim slot booked for 20:10 to 21:00 at the Vauxhall leisure centre.. swam for about 40 front rows up and down and back home around 21:30.

Around the world today –

Russia still invading Ukraine.

EU and Britain clash over ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. France and EU leaders have backed a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, setting up a clash with Britain and the US, who have both taken a harder line in the fight against the terrorists, in the middle of a delayed ground invasion of Gaza.

3 things I felt grateful for today

  • Grateful to have worn the thick, long jacket when I left home, it was cold and raining most days.

  • Grateful for the long-prepared training delivered went well at work today

  • Grateful and glad I put something on the paper and going to bed peacefully now..

What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times bigger, thicker, leaner, energetic, richer, happier, make it to work in the morning and then to work, everything to be just fine with family and all and then have a relaxing, relaxing, relaxing yet a productive day tomorrow both physically and mentally and all negative patterns, please get removed.

Goodnight, good luck!



Ash Khaleem