🌈 1021 – Thu 24 Aug 23:43 2023

Use the power of your intention every day to see yourself and others healthy and well.

🌈 1021 – Thu 24 Aug 23:43 2023


Day and day sat and wrote nothing wondering will there be any change.. or will the days come and go and then thought where are they all gone.

The noise from the exhauster fan from the attached bathroom is the most annoying and probably would remind me of this moment for a long time to come, let me just turn it off.

Sitting in bed watching the 3rd season of The Medici on Netflix, great history great acting, great production, and great everything.. What would it take for me and for anyone reading this to be able to make some sort of history by just being you? There is no access to paint anything, no access to create a sculpture, not even enough space to look at the sky to see astronomy.. and they say to pursue art, history, and literature, see beauty in them, and see God! I suppose the internet, screens, and spreadsheets have become the Gods and passions of lives in this current time.

Woke up early, did not feel like getting up but had to be up for work, perhaps was up very early without an alarm, I know it was still too early, read the Durud Sharif online, did the affirmations, said Aameen and GM to the family group chat, sat at the edge of the bed and mediated on Changing beliefs.. Warm and Sunny outside, dressed white t-shirt, and black shorts got to the Pure gym at Wandsworth Road around 07:20.. Thursday not a lot of people there and still aching from yesterday’s session/swim last evening.. but did not want to miss a workout before work.. Had a really, really, really, really, really good workout even with the aches.. did 4 sets of pull-ups, 4 sets of Incline bench presses, 4 sets of shoulder dumbbell presses, 4 sets of Lateral raises, 4 sets of Biceps curls, 4 sets of Hammer curls, went upstairs, did 4 sets of drop sets Shoulder press on the machine and 7 sets of Abs presses on the machine on my way out.. hopped into the Sainsburys by the Nine Elms on my way home.. bought chicken, Oats, and bananas, biked back home.. There were some guys waiting outside the guardian house in Suits for inspection, they looked like the buyers..

What would it it take for them to buy this place, for me to have to move in somewhere nice and big where I could have all my friends and family visit me?

08:45 breakfast, flatmate Pxxxh was in the kitchen, he’s offered tea I said no., I was feeling too hot from the gym, ate a can of Tuna, 3 eggs, then big chicken with Salad made of tomato, pepper, and a cucumber, coleslaw, feta cheese, olive oil..

Boss had sent me a text last evening they aren’t coming in so I don’t need to go in, and just logged in to work from home and I was happy!

Worked on a spreadsheet most of the day with on and off breaks, I just needed to put whole years’ meeting actions in Excel with a few more tabs to measure their progress.. The tabs were Not Started, In Progress, Complete, and Deferred.. When I type Complete, I want the tab to automatically fill with green color and the same with not started to Red and In Progress to yellow, etc.. I watched some training resources and all I gotto do was click the tab and click on the Conditional formatting on the home page and adjust the colors..

Around 11:30 spoke to Mother, she was peeling garlic at home to dry, Dad had just eaten lunch and rested, and we spoke about ll neph Hamd and bid farewell.. Broke for lunch around 13:30 but just did this and that..

Logged off work around 16:45.. all work was sent, done, and dusted.. one more day tomorrow and a long bank holiday weekend.. Claibon agency had texted asking availability for the weekend to offer temp shift, I just said, I will be away this weekend.. tbh I have no plan to go anywhere just didn’t want them behind giving me shifts..

16:50 took a nap with an alarm on for 15 min.. was just falling asleep but realized, I was dreaming about Ammi (Nan), I went from her hand to her tummy, thinking and how I miss her smell of the paan.

17:20 packed the bag, just about to leave for the Swim and it started raining, sat down and had a cup of coffee instead and decided not to go, looked outside and I see people walking, wondered how people here in England do not usually care about rain but carries on as normal I think it rains all the times.. Got to the swim at 17:47, She was my teacher many years ago before COVID-19 she was there, and she was staring at my shorts today, and she let me in. There weren’t a lot of people there, I swam in the fastest lane for about 20, 30 rows and left around 18:30.. Popped into the Al Nagashi mosque on Wandsworth road and offered payers 4 x rakaths of Salah and 2 x Salah-to-hadith.. then got home, and made a big Chicken Salad.. brother phoned from KSA around 19:30 for 15 min, we were catching up, and I congratulated him for the weekend.

Around the world –

Japan finally released water contaminated with radiation from storage tanks into the Ocean from its disabled nuclear power plant. In 2011 there was a massive earthquake in this region. The plant was mostly destroyed and beyond repair. 20 km surrounding has been no human zone for all these years with high radiations. It’s releasing water into the Ocean and it will cause maritime pollution. God help all the marine creatures. China and South Korea are all furious and banning the fish from Japan and its surroundings.. Tokyo is sticking faithfully to the line that the water has been treated to remove nearly all the harmful radionuclides, that the tritium that does remain is not harmful to human health, and that diluting the water before it is released will render it completely safe.

Russia’s still invading Ukraine. China is helping to arm Russia with drones, optical sights, and crucial metals used by the defense industry. Russia and China that is enough. Just stop!

And India became the first country to land on the lunar south pole. They just sent a satellite named Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft near the moon’s south pole. India you need to be focusing on dealing with the poverty in the country.

3 things I felt grateful for today

  • felt grateful after the swim, slight spitting rain but warm weather.

  • Grateful after many days sat down and finished writing.

  • Grateful tomorrow Friday’s work has got no deadline. What would it take for me and for you to wake up 10 x times bigger, thicker, more energetic, confident, make it to work before work, have a good workout, everything to be just fine, and then have a relaxing, relaxing, relaxing yet a productive day tomorrow and all negative patterns please get removed..

    Goodnight, Good luck!



Ash Khaleem

Published by
Ash Khaleem