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Monday 11 March 2019

Woke up 5:15.. sat up and wrote my affirmations, then got ready for gym and got to gym at 06:30.. I did Arms workout today and a set of a flat bench chest barbell.. I had a great work out.Β 

Then I got to work, dressed up more or less like this… I like this jumper, it feels comfortable..Β 

Then I got to work and realized I forgot my pass home.. It was cold but I was in a really good mood, I had a good work out and this time of the day walking to work, getting there.. I walk with so much gratitude that nothing upsets me.. I stood outside, I txt a friend, but she wasn’t there.. I stood outside for about 15 minutes.. wondering who do you think that’s gonna let me in.. who am I gonna attract? and I attracted a person I have been thinking.. we never spoke before but I knew we were gonna connect… I gave a big smile..Β 

Rest of the day was great. I had listened to an hour’s of Tony Robin an hour of Abraham Hicks and an hour of audiobook today..Β  and an hour of Bloomberg news..Β 

Got home from work about 4:30, checked my google ads campaigns… took 20 minutes nap, sat up and wrote my affirmations.. started to shoot the videos. I checked all the videos I shot yesterday then I saw about 10 videos today.. and I checked all of them, I loved one.. It’s not perfect but my mentors said, don’t go for perfection It’s not how you look.., It’s who you serve that matters.. ” I am working on uploading them as soon as I can..Β 

then I outsourced my video for the subtitles and enhance the quality on fiver for Β£9.Β 

Then I made my dinner, 2 x bottles of Chicken Yogurt avocado and beetroot blend.. One for tonight and one for tomorrow morning..Β 

then I sat down, on my desk.. I had a txt from my brother so I just spoke to him.. We spoke about his new website and how happy and grateful we were and we felt at that time.. He said to me.. the way we are feeling happy, hopefully, the people who are gonna come after us will be happy too.. I said yes! They will be..Β 

3 x things that i am grateful for today.Β 

– I am grateful to be able to write this.Β 

– I am grateful to you, for reading this and coming upto here..Β 

– I am grateful for being a human and for having feelings and emotions..Β 

3 x Happy moments of my day..Β 

– I felt happy and we both laughed a few time when I spoke to my brother earlier..Β 

– I felt so happy earlier when I watched all the videos and there was one which made me feel like I was hypnotizing myself.. ha ha.. I mean I liked it so much..Β 

– I felt happy earlier when i turned the light off for 5 minutes and i had listened to all the time by Kooks and jumped around.Β 

3 xΒ  things i need to do that will take me a step closer to my destination.Β 

– Ash shoot a video for thank you page.Β 

– Ash complete google analytics training

– Ash call google ads..Β 

1 x Act of kindness today

– Helped my flatmate with her new mattress.. this was in between my dinner and outsourcing..Β 

*********************************************************************************************************************************Β  The only thing that I want to introduce you to, is the educational system below! My life has been transformed by this and I want you to have it too.. Together we can work towards our value to the world. Β Take care, Ash πŸ™‚Β  My YouTube, My Website



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