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Sunday 23 June 2019 

I am so happy that I had a super productive weekend.. I feel like accomplishing so much weekend.. I researched quite a lot, I rested, I ate well and so much got done.. 

Friday night, I went to swim, got home, blog when to bed.. woke up, meditated.. then started my day with the gym again 🙂 I had a really good Arms workout on Satuday.. rest of the Saturday afternoon, I sent a broadcast to my 1000 leads.., I created a page on my website..  It’s was Bruce’s story..   I think I got about 3 responses, 73 opened and 8 clicked.. then I checked my campaigns, pausing some of the keywords.. then I did a blog and a bunch of trainings. I also spoke to my parents on Saturday morning and had a mate came to see in the afternoon for a tea..

Sunday, wet to attend body pump class at 8:30 but it got canceled when I went there, I was happy.. Went to the supermarket on my way home, got rice and eggs and made a huge breakfast which would last a couple days for work tomorrow, cleaned my room, ate then sat down working.. I gave a solid 2 hours when I decided to take a break, when I looked up, it was only 12:30 pm.. I think that’s the power of getting up early on Sunday. 

My mate manual had txt me earlier, if I wanted to go and sit in the park, I txt him back now and he came over and we went to the park, I got home at 3:30 PM, took a nap and sat down and finished creating my new thank you page, I couldn’t figure out how to replace the existing one, so I had a create a new one on a new page.. I enjoyed it, I love convertri, It’s such a great landing page builder.. 

Loved the way thank you page looked.. was so happy, decided to take a break.. , I felt like meditating for some time, I listened to Joe Dispenza’s meditation and probably sat down for half hours.. then checked my clothes for tomorrow.. my regular 8 – 4 job..  then sat down to blog, Instead came across some nice article from luke and brook and I so wanted to share that with my leads as well.. so I sent another broadcast to my leads.. 

3 x things I am grateful for today 

– Grateful for all the food I ate today 

– Grateful for all the time I had today 

– Grateful for being able to plan my day.. 

3 x happy moments of my day 

– We looked at many plants and flowers on our walk. I always jog or else I never get to see nature so it was good. 

– Felt so happy creating the landing page today. 

– I feel happy now with my nice and tidy room 😉 

3 x things I need to do next that will take me a step closer to my goals. 

– Research on Ebook

– Finish the audiobook

– Complete watching last weeks SFM webinars

1 x little wish of my day 

– What vibrational energy can we align to, to have and feel our dream body now and everything in the way of that happening, I would like to uncreate it, delete it, de story it across all time, dimensions, space and reality.. 

 Good night!

Ash ✨




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