🌈 460 – just don’t blink or it will be all over.


I hope your weekend went well. 

There’s nothing like a bit of a motivation to get you starting your week right, so I thought I’d share what I’ve been working on myself.. 

“Leadership is the #1 life skill that anyone can master. Strong leaders build up their communities, drive innovation in business and technology, and solve the world’s toughest problems. Strong leaders encourage others to achieve more in their own lives, simply by the influence of their example..”

The world needs more leaders – During this time of great upheaval and collective suffering, we can either be overwhelmed or called to take action.


Leadership begins within. With mindfullness, this week , let’s make our knowing that being positive in a negative situation is not native. It’s leadership.  

Have a great and productive week ahead!


Ash Khaleem