
๐ŸŒˆ 0 Right Time And Right Moment

ย I have no idea why I felt like doing that.

ย I was on my desk busy working; it is like 10 AM, busy usual Thursday Morning.

I am a paralegal by profession.

ย It just occurred to me to get off ย of my desk and go to my colleagues desk whom I have not spoken to for number of days.

I saw her on her on her desk when I got in.

I walked up to her desk

Hi Nadia (Name Changed), How are you today?ย  I always forget your days. Are you meant to be here today?ย  โ€“ (Sheโ€™s only returned from Maternity leave a new mum and is on felxi working policy, so she works couple days from home and limited hours at the office.)

She said, Oh no, todayโ€™s the exception. I was called in for a meeting,

which HR accidently booked on my day off day. I had to find a child minder for this morning..ย ย  I feel like ughhโ€ฆ !!!

I am feel tired, Lulu (Name Changed) her little 11 month old daughter.ย  Luluโ€™s been up all night, she was so hot last night like a pepper. She seems like sheโ€™s got flu .

She was so hot last night, I had to take her clothes off, she literally slept without any clothes but she was still hot. I was up all night. Mum is with her now.

I asked mum earlier if sheโ€™s alright.ย ย  Mums just sent me a video of her, I canโ€™t see that now at work. I donโ€™t have my headphones on me.ย  I feel rough.

Oh my, I am sorry, hang on; I might have a spare headphone. Let me get them for you. ย 

So kind, thank you Ash. I was just thinking about asking someone but I donโ€™t know how comfortable they would be.

(I asked a work colleague for the headphones in the past, she said no, in case if there is any infection or something.. Normally people arenโ€™t comfortable sharing headphones. So I can see her hesitation asking around.)

Anyway, I went to my desk and looked for a spare one. But found none!

No, I donโ€™t have a spare one but you are welcome to use mine if you wish to and give it back whenever.

Nadia borrowed my headphone on and watched her daughterโ€™s video that her mum sent.

She returned my headphones and said, Lulu looks fine, still red but at least not crying now. Mums says in the video, ย Thank you veryย  much Ash. I donโ€™t know how you heardย  me, but thank you so much.

I seriously have no idea; I donโ€™t even go to her desk or talk to her that usually. I was just glad that I was able to help her with that little thing. ย 

I read and heard about it but I think this is what it is called as โ€“ Acting on compassion. You get that instinct and impulse, your vibration matches with the personโ€™s vibration whoโ€™s in need and you act on that impulse. ย 

I was happy to be there at the right time and right moment to help someone.

I wish you all find joy in finding little things like this each day.

Thank you for reading

Ash Khaleem



Ash Khaleem